The May-4th diary novel, as a typical form of Atypical fiction, fully exemplifies the general picture of Atypical fiction, and establish its place with rather mature form features and distinct discourse features. 五四日记体小说作为非典型小说的一个典型范例,充分体现了该小说类型的基本风貌,并且形成了较为成熟的文体形式和别具一格的话语特征。
Disseminated histoplasmosis: An atypical ulcerous form in an HIV-infected patient ( Fren) 播散性组织细胞质菌病:HIV感染患者的不典型溃疡型(法语)
Dispatch services as an atypical form of labor relations management in thedevelopment of our country very quickly. 劳务派遣作为一种非典型的劳动关系管理形态,在我国发展非常迅速。
As a kind of atypical labor form, the appearance of the labor dispatch system has its own subjective and objective application. 劳动派遣作为一种非典型的劳动型态,它的出现有一定的主客观原因。